what about a recipe in champ that hallow you to craft new bod cloth hues, maybe this need to drop 100% every champ cause is one use only and jus 5 cloth only
recipe for HUE XXXX = you can get 5 new hue XXXX cloth if you have this recipe + 5 cloth of YYYY (example Ice White) + 5 cloh of ZZZZ (example Red Metallic)
you use the recipe and 10 cloth and you get result = 5 new cloth of the new hue.
result of this=
* new bod cloth hue!
* old bod cloth hue will have a market again cause ppl will search to make new recipe hue
* champs will be again more desiderable to drop something that everyone want: new hue cloths!
****also we will need dono mask of this hue!!
recipe for HUE XXXX = you can get 5 new hue XXXX cloth if you have this recipe + 5 cloth of YYYY (example Ice White) + 5 cloh of ZZZZ (example Red Metallic)
you use the recipe and 10 cloth and you get result = 5 new cloth of the new hue.
result of this=
* new bod cloth hue!
* old bod cloth hue will have a market again cause ppl will search to make new recipe hue
* champs will be again more desiderable to drop something that everyone want: new hue cloths!
****also we will need dono mask of this hue!!