
James Franco

I was hunting and this POS ganks me and i kill one and i cant recall because my pets are all guarded, so the other kills me and my pets die. Fucking pathetic how i wreck this kid and i get ganked by his buddies and theres nothing i can do b/c i cant recall the fuck out. There is no Flames and Rants forum anymore and this fits this section so... wtf, I mean ffs, im only angry i couldnt escape. I mean i fucking wrekt that kid and he attacked me first and i couldnt recall. The lucky mother fucker only killed me because my internet lagged. Thats the truth. If you are hearing this motherfucker, you got wrecked kid. That was a lovely experience. I needed somewhere to vent my feelings over a fucking video game but can this also be fixed or what?


I'm assuming you had a murder count, since you couldn't recall out, and if so, then all is working as it should and there is no reason to *****. :) Have a nice day.