Razor Clear Target & Smart LastTarget


Hi Folks,

just a short Question to ya all. Are Clear Target and Smart LastTarget works on UOF?

i'm trying to get it work but no luck so far. Doesn't matter if i "clear" my current target with razor, the next spell i cast
and hit "LastTarget" will be cast upon my last target. Shouldn't there be a message wich says that there is no last target?

same with "Smart LastTarget". i heal target 1 and ebolt target 2, now i should have target 1 as "Beneficial Target"
and target 2 as "Harmful"... Doesn't work. When i cast another heal now and hit "LastTarget", it heals ..... wonder..... the last target...
The one i ebolted before, it just dont remember wich was beneficial and wich was the harmful target.

Hope somebody can help me out with this.



Are you in razor? Are you using Clear Target Queue?

If so, that doesn't remove the 'Last Target' status of someone. That just removed the queue of a target, assuming you have Queue Targets enabled.


yeah but theres also an option to "Cancel Current Target"... doesn't that means that it deletes the last target status of someone?

and what about smart last target? seems not to work properly...?