Ranger armour


cmon eppster, it's low AR, even phoenix is low AR, I guess it wouldn't be all that gamebreaking if the armor was able to be imbued.

Young Star

cmon eppster, it's low AR, even phoenix is low AR, I guess it wouldn't be all that gamebreaking if the armor was able to be imbued.
As much as I would like that myself I think that would effect the risk vs reward balance. Full suit of newbie leather exorcism imbued is enough to tank paragon demons easily. It is more effective then a invulnerable suit of armor even with the low AR.

If they allowed that I would invest in a couple suits and crush champ spawns. I've used that same newbie suit at an abyss spawn once and it was pretty fun just standing there hacking away at a swarm of spawn. Only part where I got a little over my head was with the succubus.
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As much as I would like that myself I think that would effect the risk vs reward balance. Full suit of newbie leather exorcism imbued is enough to tank paragon demons easily. It is more effective then a invulnerable suit of armor even with the low AR.

If they allowed that I would invest in a couple suits and crush champ spawns. I've used that same newbie suit at an abyss spawn once and it was pretty fun just standing there hacking away at a swarm of spawn. Only part where I got a little over my head was with the succubus.

could just make anything imbued that is also blessed less powerful, like half the bonus, to match up with the half of normal AR rating that phoenix and ranger armor have.

Think about the cost/benefit ratio when it comes to these armors, compared to the cost of magic armor which is saturated and inexpensive by comparison, and has triple the AR.

The other bonus by doing this is that it shows UO:F still appreciates players suggestions or does it's best to consider ways to make it work, instead of just dishing out a flat out no or lack or response.


Anti bless and insurance guy here. Totally on board with anything blessed having weaker potential and lootable items given the upperhand. Already had a long convo about how awesome it would be to have certain non bankable pvp gear. High end weps, armor, relics, etc that give big boosts but it's holder cannot be healed or buffed, and perhaps like a periodic map ping that shows vincinity of gear.


@Wizx13 I'm not the expert on all the newbie items, imbuables, and fancy gear. But when you spoke all i could do is stare into my own picture and feel the BURN. ;)


so... my original question... whats the AR of a suit of ranger armour :)

dunno bout a male set but the 35k plat female bustier has 6 AR total, too much to be worth the extra 20 points in stealth needed to stealth around and not reveal (if you even can at gm) and not enough to be worth wearing as armor.

tbh i think you get more AR from newbied leather tunic and it doesnt take 2 slots

Young Star

25ar for Phoenix and 20for Ranger.

Newbie armor can only be imbued if you have the old bugged crystal benches. The new ones won't allow you to. The old benches I heard don't do silver armor or something. I had a GM "fix" mine and now I get a message that I can't imbue blessed armor. If your bench does that long animation when imbueing you have the old one.