Quick Silver training


Why is this relic such a pain in the ass to freaking level? I went from level 8 to 9 molten and in the same time my quick silver went from level 2 to only level 2 and a half! I also spoke with another friend who got his meta pet to level 7 (giving it quick silver at level 1) and his quick silver is not even maxxed yet. Any way to make it a little easier to gain? I don't want to have to macro this thing for a month =/

@eppy @Adam @Shane


Added my QS at level 4, when I got level 6 my QS was not quite level 5. Added a molten relic just after getting level 5 QS, my molten will be level 6 before my QS. Seems way too slow, I get that high level QS is way better than the other relics, but right now it feels like it will never happen. If it increases difficulty each level it won't even be level 7 before my meta is, and probably another 6-7 mill exp after that to get it level 10.

For those who don't know
Level 4-6 = 2.25 mil exp, that will get you close to level 5 QS, i'm over 1.2 mil exp into level 6 and still not level 6 QS.


I'm worried that when they changed the delay between proc they didn't increase the xp per proc (which they said they would do) or possibly they didn't increase it enough to offset the long delay between proc. I added mine at lvl 7 and it is painfully slow.


I mean you can easily AFK macro train your relics but its really sad that I have to use 3 accounts 24 hours a day just to level my relic to be anything useful. especially after paying 9-10 mil for the relic.


Why do you want everything to be done so quickly?

because i spent over 20mil on my meta, leveling has taken forever, and all the relics BUT this one were reasonable to level. I know you most likely cant fix it, so we must wait until Adam returns


How about we at least check that the xp per proc was increased to compensate the 2 min delay. Its a little funny to try to nerf it to stop the people that had level ten from "abusing" but have essentially given them a major privileged since it is near impossible to level now.


Yeah cram it Tony! Lol

It is of little consequence to me though I still don't have QS and I'm not really all that worried about it. At the going rate it would be well into 2016 by the time I got it leveled if I applied QS tomorrow so anything to fix that would be welcome even if it came with a cost.


But it's true that it has been nerfed enough already, I think the relic only has one way to go and that's up...either needs a buff to exp per activation or have the exp required for leveling reduced IMO.


Don't get me wrong... I don't mind leveling it how it is now. But its just gonna mean you wont see me for a month or maybe more? Eppy might like that anyways :(


Proc went from 20-30s to 2 min. So xp gain should have gone up by 4-6x or required xp reduced by that amount. Judging by the number of tamers experience this slow gain the xp wasn't touched.
No big deal things get missed. Would be nice to see it fixed.

As a side if we lowered xp required then everyone would get a boost on the work they have already done.