PVE end game?


maybe valorize some end game mob? right now we dont have really high end "targets"

we need two things imho

- some end game loot for old players
- new stuff in champs? maybe new powerscrolls for other skill or some way to use current PS..cause right now when u do a champ ..u finish u drop 4 ps and still suck
- new champs? with new drops?

- some nice loot in solo-able monster for random players

-some big gold sink?

-some big platinum vendor?

-some really rare dono items? (look my other post about it pls)



I think these are good ideas. However, I'd like to see old content finished first. Finish the new boating addition, finish the new faction additions, valor system, etc.

They have new bosses with content like the dungeon bosses. I wouldnt mind seeing different types of relics added to the system so there are combos that could be made and the super elite ones don't remain the only ones people want.

Would also like to see paragons drop 'fragments' that could be turned it for big ticket items too. Currently they are only good for Meta XP.