Problems creating new account


I just downloaded UOF to my second computer, but when I tried to create a new account (and log in to my current account), I keep getting the error message "Can't connect...please try again later"

Can anyone help me figure this out? My second computer is at work but I have full admin access (at a university).


I can't log on, I presume the server is down. it would be nice if they had a little Server Status Light Green Up, Red Down etc like pretty much every other game does on their main website.


Whew, thanks guys. Glad it wasn't just me!! I tried Googling a server status page, but didn't find one. Does one exist?


Update: the server is back up, but I still can't create a new account...

Any ideas?
Are you connecting from a school or work network (even a work VPN)? If so the port could be blocked, preventing you from connecting. Check with your network admin or shoot IT an email to ask them.

I had this problem in college. Shot an email to the network admin with the UO connection details and he changed the network so I could connect. Most likely they'll be willing to help since it's just for a game. Nothing invasive.

Or are you on a home network with admin rights?