Powerscrolls and skill cap


Ive read over the powerscrolls and the 720 skills but I guess i dont get it.

Once you use a 105 of a particular skill are you stuck with that skill and must go 120 with it?

Can you go 110 of each? Say, 110 smith and 110 tailor? Would that even be worth it?

Are there certain skills more valuable at 120 than others?

If you scroll fishing to 120 and later decide you'd rather scroll something else to 120 can you? And if so, would you have to raise that skill by 5 point increments?


to use scrolls, go in order, must use 5 before 10, 10 before 15, 15 before 20.

you can take skills to any XXX.XX you want

you can go 110 tailor/smith, but having both at 120 you will get better crafts, 1 extra bod a day,

you can add as many powerscrolls to a character you want but remember its a waste of powerscrolls to not already have your toons template made out in your head.

ALSO: you only get 720 skill points total, so you can have 1 120 skill and 6 others that are 100. so choose wisely who uses what scrolls.

dont forget you get 3 accounts with 3 toons on each so 9 total to try things out