Its 120k firm , so be quick for be new master of this beast!
Hits 757 / Str 758 / Dex 115 / Int / 391
Hits 757 / Str 758 / Dex 115 / Int / 391
The stats on that are a bit lacking... Dex is only 115 when max is 130, and Int is a bit off too by over 30 points. It's a decent WW but I wouldn't pay that much for it.
If it were a dragon at 822 and 823 hits and str, respectively, then you could make an argument for a high valuation. On a WW, it is a different story imo given that they can very easily go oom; having low INT does not help that cause. I concur with the previous two statements.
it has not trained..
dex only effects folowing speed , nothing more..
only fault of that beast is low int , but be sure its still is less important than str, wws doing damage phsycally after spend all their mana with a long fight aganist big not trying to advocating my price just an has SOLD already...