Placing Large Houses Black Screen

When placing something like a tower it will show it for a little bit, then the screen will go completely black.

Also if i wear black clothing, after logging out and back in like all the armor on my character is glitched looking on paperdoll and model.

We should be using the latest client release right?

Dwyane Wade

It's always done that for me when trying to place large houses. I've always had to move a little more south so that i'm attempting to place the house on the northern half of the screen. Not sure there's a way around it :/

Not sure about the clothing problem


havent seen the clothing issue, but if you stand farther south from the spot you need to target the house, it should prevent the black screen. That happens I find when you are standing too close to the spot you're trying to target.
ahhh, this works now yay.

Clothing is still fin' lame. Like it wont show a helm on my char, but when I remove and replace it then it will show up. Only happens when wearing jet black clothing. Guess i need more original colors.