all you can do is put these item up for auction if you want them sold. the masks are i think one of a kind with the names of the reindeer. start with a mil on each and go from there. with items like these, first off the hues on them you can get with dye tubs making them less rare to make a outfit out of. people like rare cloth to match rare masks. second, these are Christmas items, no way around that. these are super unique items and will take a super unique person to enjoy them. nice score on all these btw, hope this helps.
@eric_azria these seem to be similar hue to the pink ones you have that are one of a kind... any input?
These are darker pink than my set that were originally Powerful Wizards which he won 1st place on the old easter/scavenger hunt event.
The hue he has can be replicated with a dye tub, mine cannot.
Either way, I'd say he's got a pretty rare item and should fetch some decent coin.