Perfect Stats and Skill Training


Hi all,

I should be finishing up taming this weekend and I was wondering if you guys could answer some questions.

1st. Does anyone know the perfect stats for the the following creatures


2. Is it reasonable to keep searching until you find ones with perfect stats?

3. As far as skill training on pets I am totally lost. I believe, on other servers, you had to kill the pet over and over until it has 0 skills. Then you just work the skills up by taking it out and killing stuff? Which skills do you work on pets?

4. How long does it take to bond a pet here.

Anyway, I know this is a lot of questions, but really any help/advice would be appreciated.


Literally, just go out to dragon spawns, WW spawns and nightmare spawns and animal lore them all. If you find a good stat one, tame it. If not, kill it and wait for respawn.


IT depends. There are swing speed breakpoints but, every pet will train themselves to 100 dex anyways. So just focus on STR max HP and INT really.


Just to make things clearer:

Pet STATS and SKILLS go up to 100, by training (=fighting).
Obviously, since most hight level pets have stats >100 anyway, you have to find a good one because you can't train it more.
As for dex, i'd say try to look for good dex only on WWs, which can go up to 130 dex, and don't mind dex on Dragons/Mares: since max dex for those is just 105 you open up alot of possibilites by ignoring dex as a whole, and you can still train it to 100 which is still near-max.

As for Perfect Stats pet, it would be quite difficult (if not impossible) to get a real PERFECT STATS pet.
Just to make an example, if we assume stats are geneated random between min and max stats, for dragon you have:
Min Hits 796 - Max 825 (range of 29 values)
Min Str 796 - Max 825 (range of 29 values)
Min Dex 86, let it be 100 since you can train - Max 105 (range of 5 values)
Min Int 436 - Max 475 (range of 39 values)

so for a PERFECT dragon, you should find one with
Max hits (1/29), max str (1/29), max dex (1/5), max int (1/39)... cumulative probability is 1 pet out of 163.995
Good luck finding it :)

I'd say, any pet with a deviation of about 5 pts for each important stat (hits>str=int>dex) is a nice one. The less, the better.
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Just to make things clearer:

Pet STATS and SKILLS go up to 100, by training (=fighting).
Obviously, since most hight level pets have stats >100 anyway, you have to find a good one because you can't train it more.
As for dex, i'd say try to look for good dex only on WWs, which can go up to 130 dex, and don't mind dex on Dragons/Mares: since max dex for those is just 105 you open up alot of possibilites by ignoring dex as a whole, and you can still train it to 100 which is still near-max.

As for Perfect Stats pet, it would be quite difficult (if not impossible) to get a real PERFECT STATS pet.
Just to make an example, if we assume stats are geneated random between min and max stats, for dragon you have:
Min Hits 796 - Max 825 (range of 29 values)
Min Str 796 - Max 825 (range of 29 values)
Min Dex 86, let it be 100 since you can train - Max 105 (range of 5 values)
Min Int 436 - Max 475 (range of 39 values)

so for a PERFECT dragon, you should find one with
Max hits (1/29), max str (1/29), max dex (1/5), max int (1/39)... cumulative probability is 1 pet out of 163.995
Good luck finding it :)

I'd say, any pet with a deviation of about 5 pts for each important stat (hits>str=int>dex) is a nice one. The less, the better.

I've spent hours upon hours searching for a perfect stat dragon, never found one... though I've found close. It's easier for WW's because they don't fire breath (HP dependent), so you can essentially omit that stat when searching for a WW. Is higher better? Sure, but in terms of damage it wont affect anything.