Ryu Musashi
I know this shit is super rare just want a PC on it.
a lot more than 4. i would out it over 10-15cool statue but not super rare about 4-5 on server
The hydra is spawnable again now that it is a medusa dungeon boss. What made them prettt rare was the fact that they were no longer being used for about 2 years
Your guild has done it the most i think. I guess if you guys aren't doing it anymore it wont be done much. The few times we did it was a massive death fest to come away with was just one power scroll dropbut is anyone able to kill the bosses ?
and is anyone so stupid to waste their time there ?
Your guild has done it the most i think. I guess if you guys aren't doing it anymore it wont be done much. The few times we did it was a massive death fest to come away with was just one power scroll drop