Pack Instinct Dev Feedback Back

Matthew II

Ive seen many threads/questions about pack instinct working with some saying it does, others saying it doesn't.

What I have not seen is any dev feedback on this (other than people saying Shane said so in IRC).

Can we please get official feedback, via the forum, on whether pack instinct is enabled or not? This is a core mechanic and we should have a clear understand if its enabled or not.

Thank you!
Unless something has changed in the last 6 weeks, Shane said they were not active.

Pack instinct also were not active in UO:R on OSI, they came in after pub16 some time.

But i guess this isn't the reply you wanted haha.


I ran a lot of packs on OSI. I made a pack here and the dmg seemed roughly half what the dmg was on OSI.

I'm pretty sure PI is disabled here regardless of whether you've seen an official response.

I've always liked packs so I kinda wish it worked here but it's not a game stopper that it doesn't work here either.