Original Reputation Titles


Hey all!

A many of you might know how the Reputation system goes here. Most have just seen the Lady orLord reputation titles, but not the other ones, because the other ones just turn into those Lady and Lord ones.

The other ones the original ones: http://uo2.stratics.com/reputation/fame-and-karma-reputation-titles/

Imagine people like @GluttonySDS with title Evil Lord title lol.

There are of course the UOF titles, but they are not very original ones you can do by the hard work. Grinding.

They are seen from the profile of course, but if you see a player coming to your screen, click the character and he/she has the title toggled on/off.

Let's say, if you click ImaNewbie and he has title toggled on, it will show Dark Lord ImaNewbie. Not just [Add Random Title] ImaNewbie, or the boring Lord ImaNewbie.

Could be nice addition among to UOF titles.