WTS One of a kind keep


deep roots here at this FINE vesper protected by guardline spot

A- run to bucs den gate then proceed south east about 4-6 screens until you see....guardline and keep

B- go to vesper bank, run west out of town, follow the path south past the graveyard, proceed south until a huge npc building on the other side.. you will clearly see this keep

we do own the 18x18 to the left of it, the sandstone to the above, and the plot a bit north of the sandstone as well as the plot east of the keep..... really not for sale unless a bulk offer is offered

20 mill buyout on the keep

great for one of the most alltime best vendor corner locations you could ask for, well managed to keep pks'theives away!!! have to take a look! please contact PM

I do not need wearables, your lv7 meta drag, relics nobody wants....

gold no dono coins thanks