Old style artwork contest


I loved the essay contest. So I would like to propose a custom artwork contest Before going any further I would like to share my inspiration for this: http://www.andrea.net/uo/general/art/

Andrea Fryers started a 'pixel graphics challenge' back in 2004, and she also created many great substitutions or enhancements to items or characters added to UO later (and in a very unfitting and terrible visual style). I personally think her art is really high quality (check the skeletal dragon please).

We can organise a contest only for static elements (like decoration or backpack items such as bottles) since any moving character has more than 400 single pictures in UO (8 directions, hit-get hit-die actions, 4 frame each is already 384 pictures. Forget about wearing different items). On the other hand a wall decoration may need only one or two.

Now if it is simple to add a graphic prepared in a certain format to the game, it would be so, so, SO great to add the winning item to the game as a rare. But if not, we will be creating a lot of custom fan art just for UOF and for our fun.

(for clearence I would like to add that I'm not a graphic designer or anything, I just thought it sounds good).