Old 1997 player returning



I am a returning player from 1997, back when I was kid and thoroughly addicted to this game. Loving the nostalgia of this game! I did temporarily come back to the original around 2005 but it was so messed up and unbalanced that I was quickly disengaged. Fortunately my friend showed me this shard and I am impressed with the development and active community. Fricken' awesome!

Any-who, I have an old story I'd like to share. Back in 1997 I was in grade 7, and I (now that I'm fully grown and reflected on the moment) believe I may have met one of the developers. I was convinced at the time that he (or she?) was a talking tree. It was central Trinsic... maybe a bit east? But this tree was right there with nobody else around and it would talk and gave me a couple of items. We had numerous conversations and I'm pretty sure he had a chuckle at this gullible kid. But for me it was utterly enchanting and left a feeling of wonder and adventure...
