NPC vendors stopped buying leather/studded/chainmail armor?


Anyone else noticed it?

I used to be able to sell magic studded, leather,and chainmail armor to npc blacksmiths (specifically in Trinsic).
But I noticed that they stopped buying them either yesterday or today.

Anyone know the reason why?
Are there any other npc vendors that still buy these armors?
If not, is this going to be a permanent change?


Tanner in Brit will buy leather armor. I am assuming it would be the same with other tanner npcs . Haven't notice chain not being bought.
I've seen it on occasion ever since I've started playing. Sometimes you have to take leather items to the tanner or wooden items to the carpenter. With stuff like chain, you usually can just take it to another smith and they will buy it. A couple times I've had to go to a third smith to unload everything.