Newb crafter question


Hi everyone. I currently have a main crafter with 110 tailoring and 105 blacksmithy, but I am hoping to get to 120 on both. I have just started getting interested in crafting and I have a few questions. I have 2 secondary BOD collectors currently sitting on 70 skill in tailor/blacksmithy and I was wondering if this is a good level to be at. Also, how should I hand in BODS? Should I hand them in individually, or collect them and hope for a large bod? I apologise for the wall of text, but this is a confusing part of the game if you have never done it. Thankyou in advance for your replies.


Google "tower of roses bod" to see a chart of what rewards each BODs get--I think there's also the same chart in UOF's wiki. I'm told the most profitable rewards are high-end cloth for tailoring and... well... anything but an ASH for smiths.
I saw a chart some place explaining what kind of BODs you get by skill level, but I can't seem to find it now.

From memory, I think 80s or 90s tailoring maximizes your odds of getting high-end cloth BODs. While higher smithy is better for smith BODs--your odds of getting exc bods increases after GM.