New Donation Item "Relic Removal Tool"


Cost 1k Dono and would look like a hued tinkers kit. Item would allow removal of 1 relic intact and de levled from talismans and meta pets.


Although I would have loved this for the 3 gold relics I have taken off my meta... This will never happen. The reason why this won't happen is it is a gold sink and it is intentional.


Although I would have loved this for the 3 gold relics I have taken off my meta... This will never happen. The reason why this won't happen is it is a gold sink and it is intentional.
The relics still remain in the economy and will still keep value. This just allows people the option of reselling a relic after they are done with it.


They don't want them in the economy though, and rightfully so.

If anything there needs to be more gold sink items. There is too much gold on this server and if this tool was created, it would just shift gold around, not eliminate it.


As long as the price is right I say go for it. 1k donos may be a bit low but I say excellent idea.

No XP transfer start from scratch.


Technically pet relics are not removed from economy they just need to be traded with pet. Dex Mage relics are removed but it's not really a gold sink just a relic sink.

To make the whole system a gold sink you would want to allow removing them at a cost. Ie. 500k to remove a relic. 1m to remove it and keep the relic level.

5m to unbind a talisman could be fun as well.

All of which would actually remove gold from the system but would increase the number of relics "available".

PS. I'm not necessarily supporting any of this as an option just saying it would be a gold sink. Not sure where I stand on it Tbh.


Technically pet relics are not removed from economy they just need to be traded with pet. Dex Mage relics are removed but it's not really a gold sink just a relic sink.

To make the whole system a gold sink you would want to allow removing them at a cost. Ie. 500k to remove a relic. 1m to remove it and keep the relic level.

5m to unbind a talisman could be fun as well.

All of which would actually remove gold from the system but would increase the number of relics "available".

PS. I'm not necessarily supporting any of this as an option just saying it would be a gold sink. Not sure where I stand on it Tbh.

This idea would make a lot more sense to me. The numbers would have to be significantly bigger but this would help with the gold issue.


A good example of the benifits of this....

Lets say im a zerker and I bought a phase shif relic and applied at lvl 1 talisman.
Couple of weeks later I get double strike from a drop.
Im 4 lvls from the ability to add a new relic.
For obvious reasons dbl strike would be better than phase shift from lvl 1-4 talisman.
So out comes phase and in goes dbl.
Bank phase till lvl 4.