So I have been playing here for a very long time, personally its the best Ultima Online private shard out if you ask me. However lately the major players on the shard have been finding it extremely hard to sell items for lack of gold on the shard. I also have been a tamer for well over a year and farmed a lot of my gold from farming, I use to have a hard time just finding things to kill because of the amount of farmers.. Lately I rarely see anyone farming and I think this is due to that fact that the monster loot templates have never really been changed.
We use to have a few rares not to mention all of them but lets use the black book for an example, I agree with the staff removing this item from loot drops to make its value and rarity sky rocket. That sort of stuff definitely needs to happen but there also has to be new rares put back into the loot templates. All I see lately are new donation items being added which should make people want to farm more to buy donation coins to buy these new donation items. But I feel this is doing the opposite of that, Its boring to farm all day and only get 100k gold after 3 hours of farming... Were is the thrill of finding that rare item people will go gaga over. Sometimes you find a skill scroll or magic item worth keeping but really that's boring, I have boat loads of magic items and skill scrolls that I cant even sell at discount. It feels that the shard is just to based on donation and donation items, which is holding the shard back from being what it truly can be.
This thread isn't being made to rant about how I need to make more gold farming that is just not the case.. That's not the point of this thread at all. Its to point out that Donations are being focused on instead of any monster loot updates. I am making this thread to talk about how the staff should add rare items that have really low drop rates 0.1/0.5% drop rates etc. Plus Add rares to treasure maps chests that can only be found in treasure chests or fishing chests, that sort of updates will make people more intrigued to play and farm in my opinion. Take Balrons for another example they drop charcoal sandals and ice white sashs these items are almost worthless but if the charcoal sandals happened to be a rare colour only found on Balrons then you know people will farm the fuck out of Balrons.
At the end of the day this is just my opinion, I hope the staff and other players don't take a negative look on this thread or a negative response as my only purpose is to improve on the current game play of UOF. The staff has made amazing updates and new stuff to the shard that shouldn't be over looked but I don`t feel I need to remind you of these great updates. Just felt that they should know how I and a few other major players feel that I have talked to thanks for taking the time to read my post.
We use to have a few rares not to mention all of them but lets use the black book for an example, I agree with the staff removing this item from loot drops to make its value and rarity sky rocket. That sort of stuff definitely needs to happen but there also has to be new rares put back into the loot templates. All I see lately are new donation items being added which should make people want to farm more to buy donation coins to buy these new donation items. But I feel this is doing the opposite of that, Its boring to farm all day and only get 100k gold after 3 hours of farming... Were is the thrill of finding that rare item people will go gaga over. Sometimes you find a skill scroll or magic item worth keeping but really that's boring, I have boat loads of magic items and skill scrolls that I cant even sell at discount. It feels that the shard is just to based on donation and donation items, which is holding the shard back from being what it truly can be.
This thread isn't being made to rant about how I need to make more gold farming that is just not the case.. That's not the point of this thread at all. Its to point out that Donations are being focused on instead of any monster loot updates. I am making this thread to talk about how the staff should add rare items that have really low drop rates 0.1/0.5% drop rates etc. Plus Add rares to treasure maps chests that can only be found in treasure chests or fishing chests, that sort of updates will make people more intrigued to play and farm in my opinion. Take Balrons for another example they drop charcoal sandals and ice white sashs these items are almost worthless but if the charcoal sandals happened to be a rare colour only found on Balrons then you know people will farm the fuck out of Balrons.
At the end of the day this is just my opinion, I hope the staff and other players don't take a negative look on this thread or a negative response as my only purpose is to improve on the current game play of UOF. The staff has made amazing updates and new stuff to the shard that shouldn't be over looked but I don`t feel I need to remind you of these great updates. Just felt that they should know how I and a few other major players feel that I have talked to thanks for taking the time to read my post.