mega advertising


I posted this in another thread, but feel like it belongs here -

Might be difficult to accomplish, but if the new expansion video/info makes it to the front page of I am positive we would see a HUGE influx of new players. This should be the ultimate target for UOF advertising. Easier subreddits to gain exposure in would be "/r/pcgaming" or "/r/gaming4gamers". You could also consider paying to put advertisements directly on the sidebar.

These subreddits have a massive amount of daily page views and tend to be comprised of people in the prime UO demographic/age. As a bonus, they also tend to be in favor of sandbox type games and nostalgia-related posts.

You could really help get these posts to the top by introducing an incentive to current UOF players to sign in and upvote the post / leave comments. Something along the lines of "if we get a certain number of upvotes on the post, everyone gets ___"

I've already spoken to multiple new players who said they started playing on UOF because they saw the /r/ultimaonline post, and that subreddit only has ~700 subscribers. Imagine how many new players we would get if we had exposure on a subreddit with 4 million subscribers (and is a default subreddit, so there's a good chance it would be on the main frontpage).


reddit is extremely against using their site to advertise your stuff... If you want to advertise on reddit, pay them for ad space.

Also, your thread will undoubtedly be deleted, and you will make yourselves look bad.