WTS Lots of BOD's

PM me with offers or hit me up on IRC - adiremongbat

Small BODS:
x20 valorite chainmail leggings
x15 shadow iron platemail tunic
x15 & x20 dull copper platemail legs
x20 dull copper bascinet
2 x20 dull copper helmet
2 x20 dull copper chainmail leggings
2 x15 copper ringmail leggings
x20 copper chain leggings
x15 dull copper helmet
x10 dull copper chainmail coif
x20 dull copper platemail gorget
x20 copper metal shield
x20 dull copper buckler
x20 shadow iron buckler
x20 copper bucklet
and a bunch of leather and bone tailoring bods that I don't feel like listing. Just ask.

Large BODS:
x20 leather suit
x15 shadow iron ringmail suit
x10 iron platemail suit
2 x20 iron ringmail suit
x20 dull copper ringmail suit
and a bunch of x10 x15 x20 weapon and clothing LBODS. Just ask.

Thanks in advance! :)
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