linked 18x18's VS Castle

what will be worth more a caslte in a great spot or house linked 18x18s in the same spot....... with 18x18s placed here it will make the location a little better freeing up some front yard


wreckognize said:
a castle with two large towers connected to it on either side

Or a castle surrounded by 8 other castles, that has one big ass cellar and bridges in between.

Karl Sagan

A starship

Is rather have the 18x18s, but there are plenty of people who would rather have the castle. Probably castle. Just for the courtyard.


I love my cellar on my castle. Don't get me wrong. And of course love the courtyard for awesome recalls.

I'm wondering how bad it would be to make CELLARS markable.
This could potentially raise the attractiveness and stimulate more gold being sunk into them for the smaller houses like 18's etc.

As for the OP, probably 100% personal preference.


what nihilism says. i cant customize for the life of me. so id go with the castle. however if u have the funding and creative mind you can make something nice and then both those 18s have cellars? would be a lot of land to mess around with. as an example my keep. i have a polar bear rug and a ladder. all done.

Garet Jax

I hope they NEVER make it so people can recall into their cellars, that would ruin one of the big bonuses a castle has going for it.