Limited supply on some dono vendor items


I was thinking about this at work today. I will try to explain it the best I can.

What if the dono updates also included a few items that had a limited quantity sold? Whether it be 5, or 10, or 50 there would be a few items that would be more than just a dono item but also a rare(once they were sold out.) The staff could keep it a secret on which of the items had limited quantity for sale and also keep secret just how many the dono vendor has for sale. This might gather interest in items that are generally seen as ugly or undesirable. If you added a potential that the item could be a rare one day it might get people to purchase these less-popular items.

Obviously items like neon hair dye and clothing bless deeds should always have unlimited. I am just speaking about a handful of items with every update.




It has happened and it's gonna happen again, but it's gonna happen for like three blaze items. Ever.

The strategy has been hinted at more than it has been applied for sure.


It has happened and it's gonna happen again, but it's gonna happen for like three blaze items. Ever.

The strategy has been hinted at more than it has been applied for sure.

yeah i know it has happened but i remember shane saying he doesn't want to do this anymore because anyone has to be able to buy anything if they like it.

The whole never to come back thing is not gonna happen again


Never coming back is never coming back?

well i def hope he maintains his word on this.

People are paying stupid prices for that stuff (last blaze sandals sold for more than 20m few days ago), it'd suck really hard to find those on dono vendor again


Some things on vendors now say limited quantity like the orange meta dye. But I agree they should have a quantity on some fo the stuff. Especially mount hues