like to see come back to UO


this one i been look at that would be cool to see come back if you remember back in 98 the EA version there were red pirates sailing out at sea and pirate island was south west on occlo i been look for info form back then to send to you and a new sea dragon the one that look like a turtle now i know there water been very quit only thing you will find is fisher looking for mib and player fishing them up it will all put the scan the Horizons to work if the ghost pirates ship were out there hunting player down that the new one i been working with if any of you like to take and try it out i think it would been fun to do in the game


Well the NPC Red pirates were actually much later than 1998 -- closer to like 2010+( But I get what you are saying, non-sea mobs at sea would be an interesting twist. With our custom ship mechanics, it would be interesting indeed.

I am not sure that red pirates alone would be enoug to elicite a warm welcome because as I remember, they were a bit annoying. Maybe a twist on how EA had theirs setup?