Invasion times

I know invasions lasted a week in the past and many people thought it was too long. However the invasion last night was very fun and I wish it would have lasted a bit longer. How about 3 days? Also it would give people a better chance at finding fragments, I was at the invasion farming like crazy with my tamer but only found 2 fragments.

By the way, I thought the stage with the orcs last night was just perfect. Lots of weaker mobs that hardly carry any gold and then a few of these huge orcs that are hard to kill and carry a decent amount of gold. That way people can't just farm millions of gold but still have the occasional big mob with some nice gold thrown in.

Young Star

Shane said he will likely not do week long ones anymore. I think more time is needed though before another multi day one. I like the 4-6 hour ones but wouldnt mind if they went a 2x longer.

Lady Macbeth

Yea I already gave up on that ever happening, although, the invasion last night started pretty early compared to the others.

I always feel bad for European players. Please extend for longer time frame so everyone can at least get a taste of it. I know it may be hard for the GMs cuz they may not have an European GM to help out with the mob spawn for those hours, and it's hard to find a GM that they trust to begin with. But please always keep in mind of those players.

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Only problem with invasions that last a long time is that it eliminates the need for players to leave guardzone.... a day of this is fine, a week long of safe farming is problematic if it happens with any regularity.
Yea, thats why I thought 2-3 days would be awesome. The invasions don't happen that often anyways, who cares if people don't leave guardzone for 3 days once a month. Would make the pvmers happy and it wouldn't hurt the shard, I mean, it hasnt hurt the shard in the past when it was week long so that can't be said.


I'll offer this suggestion to staff for future invasions. It's always nice to have an event run through several different time zones, thus giving everybody a chance to participate a bit.