

It means you are able to swing your weapon as soon as you equip it. So suppose you are a tank mage, swords and magery. You cast explode, equip your halberd and you'll instantly swing it, then release the explode and cast ebolt, hit the ebolt and equip halberd again, swing instantly again.

Currently you have to hold your weapon as long as 1 swing takes before you swing for the first time.

Note: Even with insta hit you need to have enough time between as 1 swing. You can't equip/swing/unequip/swing/repeat with a halberd. You still need time in between, though that time can be done with the halberd unequipped. Hence the cast, swing, cast, swing.


Livid explained it correctly, but to make it simple..

You hit at the beginning of a swing instead of the end.


Livid explained it correctly, but to make it simple..

You hit at the beginning of a swing instead of the end.

As confusing as the words might be, hitting at the beginning of your swing doesnt have anything to do with instahit.
Thats usually referred to as instaswing. Pretty sure thats active on here? Havent tried, but otherwise my hally damage would be dealt at the very end of my animation if im at 25 dex. Dont think thats the case?
Instahit is what Livid said.


As confusing as the words might be, hitting at the beginning of your swing doesnt have anything to do with instahit.
Thats usually referred to as instaswing. Pretty sure thats active on here? Havent tried, but otherwise my hally damage would be dealt at the very end of my animation if im at 25 dex. Dont think thats the case?
Instahit is what Livid said.
No, I'm pretty sure we are both right. I am only trying to say that during an attack the weapon hits (aka insta hit) then goes through a swing cycle before it hits. If you are familiar with other MMORPGs you may consider this a "cool down" period before you hit again.

Swing and hit are different. Swing refers to the time on between each hit (the time your character just stands there). The hit is when the "swing" animation occurs.

So with insta hit since the hit is at the beginning of the process, you hit first then cycle through the "swing" and then hit again.

On UO:R like we have here it is "swing" cycle first, then a hit occurs.

I know what you are trying to say and that is that during "only the animation period" not the pause, is the "swing" and when you hit at the beginning of the animation instead of the end is insta swing. I think in general most ppl can't tell the difference and IMO, there isn't one. The Hally is a bad example because the hit time and animation are not synced up. Some of the swing itself falls into the pause period.

Also, I was only trying to give the simplist explanation, so it does overlook minor details.


Ah yea, i got ya. Missunderstood what you meant.

However i'd say theres a huge difference between instahit and instaswing.
When OSI implemented instaswing it killed pretty much all melee templates except for pure dexxers. You could basically just move away a step when you started to see the swing animation, and he wouldnt hit you unless he had high dex.
Havent seen a freeshard who havent had instaswing. Would suck pretty hard without it.
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