ok guys (devs @Adam @Shane @Carl)
you are making an AWESOME work on the 2015 features.. and a lot of me are more then happy to keep support you with some donations for sure!; i will try my best to show you how much im appreciating all this..
here some issue.. we hav eon the server right now:
- We dont have a MARKET FOR: and its not my idea..almost evevry skilled player that im talking on IRC, skype, in game, or forums think maybe you have BETTER SOLUTION..then my proposal..but pls do something..cause i dont want see this server have this economy so fucked..
Powescrolls with NO MARKET
almost every ps right now is flooded, you are happy JUST if you drop a 120's..if you drop every 105\110 its pure trash.. right now i see 105 taming for 55k in vendors... some 115 is good..but really not worth right now
-Vendor that sink PS and give you points to accede a shop
- Weekly or Monthly Raffle that you use PS instead gold or dono
-Dungeons that Require you too enter some PS , and let you enter
-Recipe for NEW rares that requier some 105-110 PS! (like hued quiver wereable, that require quiver+ cloth+recipe+ps tailor 105\110)
Statue or Easy Rares with no Market
Now if you drop an easy statuette (like a Lich, an Ettin, an Ogre..or other commons) is like to drop a 105 tailor keep it on your bank..and new player..that are looking to make some gold..dont have nothing good with
- vendor that sink statuette\rares give you points to accede a shop
-weekly or monthly raffle
-dungeons area\altar that if you put the exact number of required statuette (SINK them) a miniboss appear
-recipe for new rare decos that require some statuette
BOD CLOTHS..with no market (((
one year have to pay ..with difficult to find..150k for 5 yards of tier 5 cloths.. you added some hues..but its no the if you get some bod are just sick..cause amost expensive you can find at 50\60k for 5yards..
what we can do to bring back..them desiderable and tradable?
1) make them not "farmable with multiple tailors" maybe an IP Block?
2) as usual:
- weekly or monthly raffle that give you some PARticular HUE of CLOTh , and for ticket you have to use a RANDOM REQUIRED BOD CLOTHS like example:
you want take 1 ticket the vendor ask you : 5 blood cloth + 5 fallon cloth
then if you fill it, you can ask him another ticket and he will ask you: 5 yellow cloth + 5 fire orange cloth
then when timers out..who win the raffle get like from 2 to 6 yards of a A,B,C,D,E new hues? or New Sandals!
3) make some rare decos with BOD CLOTH:
example= 100 fallon cloth + 10 bear rug + recipe + PS tailor -----> fallon bear rug
example= 100 red metallic +10 tapestry + recipe+ ps tailor---> red metallic tapestry
example=100 mint green+100pillow shipwreck+recpie+ps tailor--> mint green pillow
example= 50 charcoal lcoth + 1 quiver donation item + recipe + ps tailor--> charcoal quiver
4)Make CLOTHING mixup with different hues..
example= 10fallon cloth + 10 red metallic cloth +10 charcoal cloth + recipe + ps tailor = 5 cloth of NEW HUES
Rare Mounts HUED
i understand to keep this kind of mounts on dono coins but what about to put RANDOM in the world..maybe in rdas or someoutside..not in certain spots pets like this:
-Dark White Horse (no taming required)
-Dark Grey Horse (no taming required)
-Orange Ostard
-Pure white Horse (no taming required)
-Ice blue (grey) Horse
-Ice Blue Lama
-Different hue of Desert\Ostard|frenzied
BEETLE WITH PACK WITH DIFFERENT HUE..NOT STRANGE HUE.. maybe a white one..a dark white...a grey..a brown one...some common hues..then some rares hue..charchoal, ice white, ice blue..
this kind of pets instead be stable, can be "ticket" and also steleable.. tamers could find..and make it Stabling..
this kind of mount cannot be Bonded IF you dont use A SPECIAL BOND DEED, that cost 2500 or 5000coins
this is..cause
-we get the FUN to find , tame, and market them..without just buy on dono vendors
-who will use..will dono or buy dono from other player, so the server still get our support!
dont forget pls about add some new drops on Hunting
this dont want sounds for you as..something that you MUST do..but something that i think a lot of player would appreciate..and donate for something like that.. i hope you appreciate my love for you server..with this kind of suggestion..or helping new players and hold the italian community here ^^ like Little Italy but without spaghetti everywhere!
tnx to everyone that read this all!
i go sleep!
you are making an AWESOME work on the 2015 features.. and a lot of me are more then happy to keep support you with some donations for sure!; i will try my best to show you how much im appreciating all this..
here some issue.. we hav eon the server right now:
- We dont have a MARKET FOR: and its not my idea..almost evevry skilled player that im talking on IRC, skype, in game, or forums think maybe you have BETTER SOLUTION..then my proposal..but pls do something..cause i dont want see this server have this economy so fucked..
Powescrolls with NO MARKET
almost every ps right now is flooded, you are happy JUST if you drop a 120's..if you drop every 105\110 its pure trash.. right now i see 105 taming for 55k in vendors... some 115 is good..but really not worth right now
-Vendor that sink PS and give you points to accede a shop
- Weekly or Monthly Raffle that you use PS instead gold or dono
-Dungeons that Require you too enter some PS , and let you enter
-Recipe for NEW rares that requier some 105-110 PS! (like hued quiver wereable, that require quiver+ cloth+recipe+ps tailor 105\110)
Statue or Easy Rares with no Market
Now if you drop an easy statuette (like a Lich, an Ettin, an Ogre..or other commons) is like to drop a 105 tailor keep it on your bank..and new player..that are looking to make some gold..dont have nothing good with
- vendor that sink statuette\rares give you points to accede a shop
-weekly or monthly raffle
-dungeons area\altar that if you put the exact number of required statuette (SINK them) a miniboss appear
-recipe for new rare decos that require some statuette
BOD CLOTHS..with no market (((
one year have to pay ..with difficult to find..150k for 5 yards of tier 5 cloths.. you added some hues..but its no the if you get some bod are just sick..cause amost expensive you can find at 50\60k for 5yards..
what we can do to bring back..them desiderable and tradable?
1) make them not "farmable with multiple tailors" maybe an IP Block?
2) as usual:
- weekly or monthly raffle that give you some PARticular HUE of CLOTh , and for ticket you have to use a RANDOM REQUIRED BOD CLOTHS like example:
you want take 1 ticket the vendor ask you : 5 blood cloth + 5 fallon cloth
then if you fill it, you can ask him another ticket and he will ask you: 5 yellow cloth + 5 fire orange cloth
then when timers out..who win the raffle get like from 2 to 6 yards of a A,B,C,D,E new hues? or New Sandals!
3) make some rare decos with BOD CLOTH:
example= 100 fallon cloth + 10 bear rug + recipe + PS tailor -----> fallon bear rug
example= 100 red metallic +10 tapestry + recipe+ ps tailor---> red metallic tapestry
example=100 mint green+100pillow shipwreck+recpie+ps tailor--> mint green pillow
example= 50 charcoal lcoth + 1 quiver donation item + recipe + ps tailor--> charcoal quiver
4)Make CLOTHING mixup with different hues..
example= 10fallon cloth + 10 red metallic cloth +10 charcoal cloth + recipe + ps tailor = 5 cloth of NEW HUES
Rare Mounts HUED
i understand to keep this kind of mounts on dono coins but what about to put RANDOM in the world..maybe in rdas or someoutside..not in certain spots pets like this:
-Dark White Horse (no taming required)
-Dark Grey Horse (no taming required)
-Orange Ostard
-Pure white Horse (no taming required)
-Ice blue (grey) Horse
-Ice Blue Lama
-Different hue of Desert\Ostard|frenzied
BEETLE WITH PACK WITH DIFFERENT HUE..NOT STRANGE HUE.. maybe a white one..a dark white...a grey..a brown one...some common hues..then some rares hue..charchoal, ice white, ice blue..
this kind of pets instead be stable, can be "ticket" and also steleable.. tamers could find..and make it Stabling..
this kind of mount cannot be Bonded IF you dont use A SPECIAL BOND DEED, that cost 2500 or 5000coins
this is..cause
-we get the FUN to find , tame, and market them..without just buy on dono vendors
-who will use..will dono or buy dono from other player, so the server still get our support!
dont forget pls about add some new drops on Hunting
this dont want sounds for you as..something that you MUST do..but something that i think a lot of player would appreciate..and donate for something like that.. i hope you appreciate my love for you server..with this kind of suggestion..or helping new players and hold the italian community here ^^ like Little Italy but without spaghetti everywhere!
tnx to everyone that read this all!
i go sleep!