How much barbet/hornded leather runic sewing kit?


Horned: Charge people at least 125k, although I sold 5 of them for 120k each recently.

Barbed: 700k-1mil. I tried selling mine for 1 mil and then 900k, but nobody was interested. I'm also not interested in lowering the prices of BOD rewards. It is worth what people will pay for it, up to a point. All 6 small BODs can sell for 75k each, and the large BOD should sell for 2-3x as much. Seeing as though buying all of the BODs and filling them with spined leather might cost you around 700k, I wouldn't sell it for any less than that, but I'd try to get a higher price than 700k. One of the reasons for this is because not many people are selling these BODs and not many people complete the BRSK LBOD if they ever get one.