House Teleportation Tiles?


So I finally saved enough gold to buy a house, a nice 9x14 3 story. However it's "unfinished", and I designed what I wanted so I would know how much gold I would need. Going through the customization gump I couldn't find the house teleportation tiles. The house has four, but redesigning the house they will disappear. Are these a gold sink I need to buy from a vendor? I've searched this forum and the UOF wiki but have had no luck finding an answer.


I can't remember which selection menu they are under in the housing customisation but if you click the dropper icon you can select a teleporter tile on a neighbouring house and it will take you to the tp tiles in the menu :)


Okay thanks!

UPDATE: That worked, but when I went to my saved design the teleport tiles disappeared. However, I discovered I just have to redesign the house, and when I start over, I need to leave at least one teleport tile in place. Then I can access them. I don't know why I can't find them on the gump?
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I did a search of the forums and the UOF wiki. Guess I didn't word it correctly or just missed it. I did check that MISC/. section, but I guess I was clicking by too fast and missed them. Well, now I know where they are; many thanks!

Good luck with the design! Please show us the finished result! :)


Oh it won't be too fancy, more functional than anything else, a storage and workshop space. I'll wait to get fancy when I can upgrade to bigger plot,
Also keep in mind that using a teleporter tile refreshes your house like opening a door does - makes it easy to refresh when entering a house --- and keeps things secure.