Holiday decoration gold sink idea


I know it's a while off but I figured if it needed time to be coded and is doable better make the suggestion now before it's too late?

Anyway with the holidays around the corner maybe we could add Christmas/holiday lights for decorating? The idea would be useful game for a graphic but add a strobe effect like lanterns / clothes so they twinkle and add a unique name like "holiday light." Maybe just a primary color and a dark grey for off.

I would suggest a gold sink idea as this will be right before the new calendar year. Maybe 10k per gem/light? Players count then purchase however many they need to decorate. If just a tree is being done a handful plus a house decorating tool to raise and lower them around to over lay the tree is needed. If you have players with alot of wealth and a huge home they may desire 50+ . This would allow the player to customize to his/her needs.