Help with going passed gm with taming/lore

King Dingaling

I have a question tamer has 110 provo, gm music taming lore magery med and vet

sometimes i have to command my dragon/wyrm a few times to attack something, and it gets annoying. would going up to 105 lore or 110 help this? or do i absolutely need taming to go up to? not really in the mood to work on taming/buying taming scrolls again..or at least not just yet


Gotta scroll for better control. Raising lore is cheaper and easier than taming. Try that up to 110 before buying taming PS/SS.

But yeah, it's important if you want 100% control.


Yup. Can't remember what the formula is but Lore is only for two things: control and vet effectiveness.

King Dingaling

i knew there was some type of formula..just didnt know what it was. guess ill looking for a 105 and 110 lore scroll

thanks for ur help

King Dingaling

one more thing...i ate my 110 provo and got it to 110 already..

i ate my 105 lore now, do i have to drop another skill to raise it or will i still gain since im not 120 capped yet...?

my skill cap was 700 before ate any of the scrolls...