Help Placing a Large Tower


I was under the impression that a large tower needed a 16x14 footprint. That certainly seems to be the size of the foundation, but when I try to replace a 16x14 custom with a tower, I keep getting told the spot is blocked. Is there any house placing expert that can weigh in? Does the area where the top floor overhangs above the foundation need to be clear as well? Does the sign location of the tower make it where I need to target a spot well away from where the "ghost tower" appears? If the issue isn't one of these things, the only other possibility I can think of is that the front steps of the tower seem a little longer than on a custom and there are some of the "road" type brown dirt tiles right in that area.


is your play window in the top left corner of the screen? if not it the footprint you see on screen will be wrong


is your play window in the top left corner of the screen? if not it the footprint you see on screen will be wrong

Yes, my play window is at the top corner of the screen. The footprint aligns perfectly with the eventual placement for the custom. I'm just trying to understand if there is a difference between how it works for the custom vs. the tower.


you need to have enough room for the over hangs. if the over hangs are over a tree or another house it wont be placeable


you need to have enough room for the over hangs. if the over hangs are over a tree or another house it wont be placeable

Ok, thanks, that makes sense. I know I had seen people overhanging the water or the mountains, but my spot is between two other houses, so I guess it won't work.