Guide to being Thief Proof!


Thiefs are everywhere in this land hiding in the shadows waiting to loot your hard earned items! Here we will teach you how to avoid this and keep your stuff where it belongs :)

Tinker BOOM boxes....

The tinker trapped box is your best defense from snoopers and thiefs. When you first get the tinker trapped box it is unarmed. Use the key on the box to lock it and arm the trap then unlock the box. Now the trap is still armed but will not explode when you open it and close it, it WILL explode if a thief snoops the box killing the thief instantly and turning the thief grey to you.


Put it in the bank or your house for safe keeping.

When crafting in the crafting area put everything you are crafting with in the trapped box and hide if you can.

As you craft fill the trapped box to keep items safe from thiefs.

If the box goes off recall out and either place a new trap in the box (if you have a tinker/carp) or replace the box with a new one.

Farming with BOOM boxes...

When farming I recommend running 3 deep boom boxes. Get 3 tinker trapped boxes and arm all 3 so you can freely open and close them. Place 1 box in your back pack and open it. Place the 2nd box inside the 1st and open it. Place the 3rd box in the 2nd and open it. Now place your "loot" bag inside the 3rd box and open it.

What this does is make a thief or looter explode 3 times before getting to your loot bag. It also will ward off 90% of pks that kill you from looting because they know if they open it they will die.

While you are out keep count on how many times your boom boxes have went off so you know what level of protection you are running.

I hope this helps people be safer on the streets and in the field!!
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Throw regs into an picked tinker trap box. As long as you have autosearch off, you can keep your regs in the box and they'll still be usable. You can also throw loot into a box then telekinesis the box later.

Also... keep a hidden character near you when farming... sometimes a red will kill ya, pop the box... and you run off with his head before he can get his blue there to save it.


Also remember. Wood is pretty cheap and easy to get. Wooden chests are more likely to be popped than crates because small crates are obviously suspicious.

If you aren't bothered with grabbing magic items or whatnot... you can load some ore into the crate so they cant recall after grabbing it to open the loot but it'll lower the quantity of gold you can loot.

I once went to a champ spawn with a chest full of ore with the intention of suiciding there for giggles and everyone had left just gold to loot. I dropped the chest and started picking up the gold instead... someone randomly popped that chest.

Also... this has been my experience in dropping them in town.
I just remember in the past, having to set the box on the ground, turned a certain way, then casting on it. Otherwise it would just open without going off. "trapped disabled until you lock the chest"

*edit* I just tried it, unlocked it with key, set on ground... It just opens. No boom.
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I just remember in the past, having to set the box on the ground, turned a certain way, then casting on it. Otherwise it would just open without going off. "trapped disabled until you lock the chest"

*edit* I just tried it, unlocked it with key, set on ground... It just opens. No boom.
Key disarms it. Any other way than using the key will explode it.


In layman's terms, whoever has the key is protected against trap going off, even if he plays football with it. Ummm, axing the box is different sport though.
I have another question about these boxes.. They work well so far, killed a few thieves and 1 pk so far, but I have noticed that sometimes, just moving the box, not opening, sets it off. How is this done exactly? Once a pk took my box, set it down, then telekenis'd it. Id rather it go off when they even move it/set it down. Thanks.


I have another question about these boxes.. They work well so far, killed a few thieves and 1 pk so far, but I have noticed that sometimes, just moving the box, not opening, sets it off. How is this done exactly? Once a pk took my box, set it down, then telekenis'd it. Id rather it go off when they even move it/set it down. Thanks.

Doesn't work that way, one must try to open it/snoop it/axe it to set it off. If they just picked it up and blown themselves up it means they have autocheck containers on feature, which does what is should, check containers.
Doesn't work that way, one must try to open it/snoop it/axe it to set it off. If they just picked it up and blown themselves up it means they have autocheck containers on feature, which does what is should, check containers.

Ah yes the autocheck containers that's it. Thanks


you know, all the thieves are reading this thread to learn new tactics...
Yea its funny to see triple account thief attempts, heres how it plays out...
snip, snip, snip....
Noobs..tks for the brains and bloody remains...