Gold sink. Rune book duping


Would love to be able to pay 10-25k to dupe single rune books. I'm too lazy to mark 10+ books for each character. But I would gladly sink 300k to have them all duped.


or just buy them from the yew bank mall library!

typically i stock city banks, dungeons, mage shops, champ spawns, faction sigils, shrines, and moongates.

books that are only half a book full are 7500, and the rest are 10k flat.

These books are hand marked; no scripting. That allows me to be more versatile on which spots i mark. No two books are the same, the runes are marked 1 tile off of eachother. It helps prevent the runes from being blocked by other players who buy my books!

Restocked often!

Click the image below to help you find the location, the book vendors are on the roof

-1 takes away from micro managing
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what kind of.... "gold sink" is 25k? 300k?

lol needs to be 2.5 mill or 5 mill

-1 just shows how lazy people are to play this game


If I dupe 10 rune books at 25k a pop it's 250k. If I do that on 4 chars it's 1 mil. If 30 people do the same thing that's 30mil. It's a small gold sink that will work very well over time.

You have to think big picture.