Going over 100 prov/music worth it?

King Dingaling

i have a bard tamer and was thinking of going up to 110 or 115 prov and music. is there any benefit to it?

im satisfied with just having gm taming and lore as of now..because i run, all guard me, then start provoing. its fun and works great, but when i run into shadow wyrms and dragon paragons, sometimes i fail...and sometimes that fail is the difference between me dying and not dying.

anybody with this template..or any input?


There's only 120 peace and Provo not music. Peace is worthless and Provo is a big bonus, reduces fails and there are somethings that you can only Provo with 120 and a slayer instrument


I think it would help to know your template. The other skills are Vet/Magery/Meditation??

If you are indeed satisfied with GM Taming and Lore, and don't plan to go higher, then definitely get higher provo. Since you can raise your skillcap to 720, you aren't actually sacrificing points in another skill. The debate about going higher provo on a bard/tamer usually comes when the tamer has raised their taming and lore past 100 and that means that also raising provo past 100 forces them to drop points in another skill, usually meditation.

For example, if a tamer has 120 taming and 120 lore, his/her meditation is already forced down to 80. So by raising provo to 115, you are dropping Meditation down to 65, which can be insufferably low. But you won't run into this issue since you don't currently have any skills past 100.

I might suggest starting with a 105 provo and seeing whether you are pleased with the increased success rate. They aren't very expensive. Then you can decide whether you still want the 110 and then the 115.

King Dingaling

ok..that is exactly my build now..

gm taming/lore/music/provo/vet/magery/med

so are you saying if i go pass 100, 120 is the best option..and anything in between is worthless? what mobs can only be provo woth 120?

thanks for the input by the way..


Not necessarily. Each step of 5 points in provo makes a difference. On my mage provo, I noticed the success difference between GM and 105, 105 and 110, and 110 to 115. Now I hardly ever fail at 115 and will probably never bother spending the gold on a 120. Maybe if I land one at a champ or something. Honestly, I was pretty damn happy with 110, but I just happened to find a super cheap 115 provo that I couldn't pass up.

In theory, strictly from a template standpoint, yes given your build there's no reason to not get it as high as possible. In practice, powerscrolls cost a shit ton of money. So the real question is whether it's worth it to you given how you play your char.

That's why I was suggesting starting with a 105 Provo, farm for a few days, and then ask yourself "is my Provo skill still holding me back in my ability to effectively play this char?" If the answer is yes, then raise to 110 and ask yourself the same question. And so on.


The powerscrolls are used in order from 105 to 120 (if you were going all the way). And you need to cap before using them. So you need 100.0 skill before using the 105, 105.0 before using the 110, and so on.

120 has its perks. At 120 I don't really fail. The hardest mobs I'm provoking are probably Ancient Shadow Wyrm and Shadow Balron paragons. The only times I seem to fail are when I try to provoke a mob onto my myself (for instance, if I'm trying to help someone by luring a monster away). But who cares about that :)

King Dingaling


ok, well i guess i will be on the lookout for a 105 prov scroll...thanks for yalls input.

rotting corpses still gain pass 100?


I believe they would. An alternative would be to skill it while farming which is what I did for a little while. You get to make some $$$ at the same time.