Go to Line x?

De Medici

Is there a possibility to tell the steam script to go to a spicific line during a while/for loop or at least to the beginning of the whole script (leaving loop without condition satisfaction) without using playmacro ' ' ?


Young Star

try splitting the script into multiple ones. wherever you would want to skip you put in a "playmacro 'xyz'" and if you want to go back to the original you add the same thing to go back and play the other again or even a third.

What are you trying to do. can you post here or in a PM?


It is possible, just kinda depends on what you're looking for it to do. I have one that looks for a specific condition and runs when those conditions are met, once done it resumes the macro. I also have one that will play a different macro when conditions are met and I have that macro point back to the original after it runs.

De Medici

which command u use to go back to beginning? or is it only the last loop and then auto returns. thats standard. I cannot use playmacro at this point of the script cause it fucks up the script. I am running a very long and complicated one (several pages with subroutines)

De Medici

thx! replay = Playmacro 'xy' ; xy:= The Main Script Instance?
break leave the the loop like condition satisfaction? --> just contues the script like you would have satisfied the conditions?