Forensic Identification revamp idea


The idea is that "crime scenes" would spawn across the world in random places. Maybe one at a time or multiple at a time. And if you came across a crime scene you could use the skill on the bones or an npc that was in distress and based on what you found at the crime scene it would give you hints and send you on a mini investigation across the map to solve the crime. Maybe once the crime was solved you'd figure out who the culprit was and you would go bring the perpetrator to justice. This could be a boss that spawns or waves of monsters in an area that drops loot like gold, magics, rares, or whatever else. You could also incorporate the begging skill into a "detective" template and find a use for this.

Another revamp possibility was brought up by Harry in discord. He suggested that certain graves could be inspected with the forensic evaluation skill and you could pillage graves to get loot. And upon taking loot from the graves monsters will spawn and attack you. And maybe even tamable creatures. This was a concept he had seen on another server that was popular with the players.

These ideas are still pretty early stage ideas. I know the devs have a lot going on. We're just kind of spitballing here I guess. Any other ideas or critique/criticism is welcome. Thanks.

p.s. Deadpool thinks it's cool.