WTS Flesh-Bound Tome [Repond / Silver]



May be the only one on the server. There was a max of 3 possible, if their points were not spent on different items.

SB 8 Mill.
BO 10 Mill.

[Repond, Silver]

Great for farming Titans.

5 Day Auction. Then 12 hours after last bid.


Damage with and without tome equipped.

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interesting but i haz a question .. doesent repond with silver calncel each other out ?? or at the very least you take dbl damage from both mobs ? just curious


I'll accept ur bid if you like.
if you will accept my bid, i would be able to make the 5mil down payment about wednesday coming, as i only have 4 mil in bank so far but can farm 500k easily per day until wednesday.

Granted it would take 4-5 hours of hardcore farming to get 500k a day i dont plan to hardcore farm that many hours per day since its no fun and would burn out my interest in UOF, i say if i farm 2 hours a day hardcore 200k means i can make 1.4 mil gold per week easily.

Then i can pay 1 mil per week there after until total of 12 mil is reach, that is my bid currently.
And everyone knows i have never did a fake or bad deal with anyone on these forums.


let me know when this auction ends or if you got a higher bidder, since if you do i doubt i will make another bid 12 mil is alot even if fianancing=]
if i win it will take me until wednesday noon to get the 5mil down payment together