This macro will fish a target location and cut the fish into steaks then organize your bags so all the junk will be in a bag and the fish steaks go to your fishing bag.
\\\\\\\\\\Make sure you delete anything between this\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
usetype 0xdbf \\\\\\\\\\\\Uses your fishing pole\\\\\\\\\\\\\
waitfortarget 15000
targettile 5210 787 -5 \\\\\\\\\\\\Create a test macro and record the target area you will use\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
pause 1000
usetype 0xf52 \\\\\\\\\\Uses your knife on a fish type\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
waitingfortarget 15000
targettype 0x9cc
pause 1000
usetype 0xf52 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\This one is a duplicate but for some reason the first one doesn't work\\\\\\\\\\
waitingfortarget 15000
targettype 0x9cc
pause 1000
usetype 0xf52
waitingfortarget 15000
targettype 0x9cf
pause 1000
usetype 0xf52
waitingfortarget 15000
targettype 0x9ce
pause 1000
usetype 0xf52
waitingfortarget 15000
targettype 0x9cd
pause 1000
usetype 0xf52
waitingfortarget 15000
targettype 0x170d
pause 1000
msg '[organizeme' \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Organizes items in your inventory\\\\\\\\
canceltarget \\\\\\Crucial to avoid target lock during world saves\\\\\\\\\\
If you don't know what I mean by using a test macro then follow the below steps:
1) Create a new macro named test
2) Click record
3) Double click your fishing pole
4) Click where you want to fish and if you can fish there
5) Copy just the targettile from the test macro and paste over line 3
That is the only customization you should have to do to this macro between characters and locations.
\\\\\\\\\\Make sure you delete anything between this\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
usetype 0xdbf \\\\\\\\\\\\Uses your fishing pole\\\\\\\\\\\\\
waitfortarget 15000
targettile 5210 787 -5 \\\\\\\\\\\\Create a test macro and record the target area you will use\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
pause 1000
usetype 0xf52 \\\\\\\\\\Uses your knife on a fish type\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
waitingfortarget 15000
targettype 0x9cc
pause 1000
usetype 0xf52 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\This one is a duplicate but for some reason the first one doesn't work\\\\\\\\\\
waitingfortarget 15000
targettype 0x9cc
pause 1000
usetype 0xf52
waitingfortarget 15000
targettype 0x9cf
pause 1000
usetype 0xf52
waitingfortarget 15000
targettype 0x9ce
pause 1000
usetype 0xf52
waitingfortarget 15000
targettype 0x9cd
pause 1000
usetype 0xf52
waitingfortarget 15000
targettype 0x170d
pause 1000
msg '[organizeme' \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Organizes items in your inventory\\\\\\\\
canceltarget \\\\\\Crucial to avoid target lock during world saves\\\\\\\\\\
If you don't know what I mean by using a test macro then follow the below steps:
1) Create a new macro named test
2) Click record
3) Double click your fishing pole
4) Click where you want to fish and if you can fish there
5) Copy just the targettile from the test macro and paste over line 3
That is the only customization you should have to do to this macro between characters and locations.