Famara's Lotto
200k per box can get you....
http://i.imgur.com/ZUewpVH.png - prize pictures here.

I will gate to this Lotto for 24 hours.

vendors are located east from moonglow zoo.

each box contains 655 gold + prizes ( non stealable).

You will also be gated into guardzone, a few tiles away from vendors.

You can click the imgur link to see all the prizes available as well as a vague list here.

Some of the prizes are.

- blaze orc mask (never to be sold on dono vendor again) was 55k dono
- blaze bone mask ( never to be sold on dono vendor again ) was 55k dono
- 1 of a kind easter statue- not sure worth
- a bunch of blessed clothing, including forever strobe apron, layered ice white sash ect ect.
- giant minotaur deco deed , about 7x7 square, i won it for 3rd place crippled king event
- a handful of boxes contain statues, including really rare ones! (harrower, fleshrenderer)
- you have a chance of powerscrolls , all powerscrolls are 105-115.
- you have a chance of getting a check , valued @ 10k-50k ( around the same of each)
- you also have a chance for some platinum coins, some deco items.

Im sorry that I cannot put an epic prize in each box. otherwise the cost would be too high for a fresher player to have a chance to win an epic price.

goodluck and happy gambling.