WTS ETC's Crafted Bows!!! Cheap Vanqs!!!


So who out there is like "i wish i could use a vanq bow without paying 10k!" Well your in luck!

We have crafted bows that are as good or better then a vanq. remember a vanq is a +9 dmg. So a force +5 plus exceptional +4 is actually a vanq +9! Which we sell for 5k per bow!!!

We done our research and have brought to you the accurate numbers and the bows to match.


We have high quality Bows and Heavies we have everything from a force equivalent to a +13 Vanq!

Come check out our Crafted Bow Line at ETC Mega Mall ETC Yew Emporium!

P.S. Check our Wep and Bow Emporium Vendors at ETC Mega Mall, Silly's and East Brit Best Byt for plenty of silver bows for sale for MOTM!!!



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Also we are selling 10 packs of many varieties:
-Heart Heavy 10pack 4k
-Heart Bow 10pack 5k
-Blood Heavy 10pack 6k
-Blood Bow 10pack 7k
-Frost Heavy 10pack 7k
-Frost Bow 10pack 8k
-Durability 10pack 9k
-Accuracy 10pack 10k
-Lesser Dmg 10pack 20k
-Random 10pack 13k

random packs consist of 10 with a few varying accuracy, durability and damage bows of different colors.

Let me know if anything interests you and we can get you set up!

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Come and get them! +13 Vanq for only 30k!!! Vanq equivalent forces for 5k too!!!

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Yup well its good for the customers these are a steal! And i have boat loads of bows guys so plz clean me out!!!

All at ETC Mega Mall. Gate at WBB on stairs to roof!

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These bows are nutz good! At 5k per that a cheap through vanq. If its too much for ya go for exceptional might which is equal to a power!

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New Low Prices!!! Come and Get Them! These are Great PvP bows and PvM bows!

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Guys we got +13 Vanqs for 25k per! Stupid cheap without going under cost!

+11 power bows for 15k! These things hit harder than any normal vanq!!!

+9 Force bows for 5k!!! What?! Thats crazy low for bow with same dmg as a normal vanq bow which costs 10k on average.

+7 might for 3k!!! These hit for same dmg as normal powers!!!

+5 Ruins for 1.5k! Great price for a easy throw bow!

Come get these bows before they are all gone!

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Just opened another crafted Bow Emporium Vendor at East Brit Best Buy.

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Just opened up a new Crafted Bow Emporium at East Brit Best Buy! All the best stuff, always in stock!

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Hey all we got crafted bows coming out of our eyes! Selling bulk packs of +5 excep/ruins (= +5 Force) for 10k! Thats a 15k value for 10k! Great deal for throw bows!

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