Skill gain chance is 50% less outside of a dungeon. That said, in the crafters area you get 20% less resource usage. This basically means that it will take longer to GM in the crafters area, but will not be too much more expensive. The advantage is the crafters area is a non-risk if you do things right. Sure thieves can still attempt to screw with you, but for the most part you are safe. You can even afk macro if you choose to.So, I'm about to train Alchy from 50 to GM...
I can AFK macro at teh Brit crafters area without worry from PK?
Seems worth it to me if skill gains are only a little less than in a dungeon.
0% when in GZ or wilderness
-50% when used on another player
-25% when on a boat or in a house
+50 in dungeons