Dono butler improvements


Hey all, back from a long break, I like many of the improvements! Thanks for all the hard work.

The butler is a god send. It's not great for dexxers though, and I have a few suggestions:
1. allow storage of any gm crafted armor in set (ie full set of dragonscale, full set of valorite chain)

2. allow storage of magic armor generally. this is trickier, but maybe:
-- select pieces at random from your pool? that would suffice for us as we generally just store invul bone, ring, chain, and we aren't afraid to mix and match
-- select with a single click each armor piece in a second gump

3. change placement workflow to:
--double click deed
--get targeting reticle
--select location to place


--double click deed
--get prompt to place butler where you're standing

We had an oops (we're new) and you guys were very kind to move him for us, so thanks for that!


Also could be better for crafting, but again i'm so new.. don't have specific suggestions there, but it would be sweet to use my butler to easily get pot kegs regs