Doing BoD's


As a Primer, I've never really done BoD's..

Right now the Only 100 skill Craftsman I have is a Tailor. I plan to do BS'ing on him next.

If I wanted to do BoD's to try and get Clothing Bless Deed or Nice colored cloth, what is the amount of work required for these things?

Is it random? Is it going to take tens of thousands of leather for a decent reward?

Any tips for getting started?

Where do I start... I just sell a bunch of crap to a tailor and HOPE for a BoD offer 1's a day?


The bods are random. If you get a good bod, it's as simple as crafting 10, 15, or 20 pieces to complete small bod
Large bods are a little more difficult, but can yield rewards worth hundreds of thousands of gold.

For nice Cloth you can do some small bods :)
for Clothing Bless Deed, they can be given through some of the more medium difficulty LBODS


The timer is six hours. Most of us run bod runners on top of our main crafter so that we can pull in max daily bods. Every one of us has their own philosophy on how to go about it, what skills levels the bod runners should have, etc.

I just turned in a 20 spined leather gloves bod. The leather cost me nothing. I'll sell that tier 5 cloth for 70k/ 5 yards. Are you gonna hit all kinds of snags, sure. It's a risk, just like running around with a bard is a risk. But the potential reward is certainly worth it.