Delver's Charm - Meta-Rogue Talisman Idea


Delver's Charm
Meta-Rogue Talisman Idea (can't have more than 50 taming).

Gives the wearer luck in their travels, and a knack for success.

You gain experience by locks picked, identifying magical treasure, moving while stealthed, casting from scrolls and traps disarmed. Experience is penalized by 75% while not in a dungeon, and by 1% for every point between your lowest & highest stat.

Gain 10% more gold & gems from picked dungeon chests and buried/sucken chests per level, and have a small chance to find rare drops in chests (higher level potions, skill scrolls, fire horns, wands, deco-items, MOTM cloth, or other rare creature drops that are not statues).


Staff Crafting:
Allows you to create and use magical staves.
Using 50 spell-scrolls of a specific spell, 100 gems of the same type (see list), and a staff you can create magical staves.
Magical staves act as wands do, but require both hands to use; those without this charm can not use the spell stored within, but can still use the staff to attack.
At level 3 you can recharge staves by dragging the relavent scroll onto them.
Base Crafting success is 35% + 5% per relic level (max 85%).
Spells that can be made into staves, and the gems they require by Circle:

Circle 1 (Requires 100 Citrines, and relic level 1):
Create Food, Heal, Night Sight, Reactive Armor

Circle 2 (Requires 100 Rubies, and relic level 3):
Agility, Cunning, Cure, Magic Trap, Magic Untrap, Protection, Strength

Circle 3 (Reuires 100 Tourmalines, and relic level 4):
Bless, Magic Lock, Telekinesis, Teleport, Unlock, Wall of Stone

Circle 4 (requires 100 Amethysts, and relic level 5):
Arch Cure, Arch Protection, Greater Heal, Recall

Circle 5 (requires 100 Emeralds, relic level 6):
Blade Spirits, Dispel Field, Incognito, Magic Relfection, Summon Creature

Circle 6 (requires 100 Sapphires, and relic level 8):
Invisibility, Mark, Reveal

Circle 7 (requires 100 Star Sapphires, and relic level 9):
Gate Travel, Polymorph

Circle 8 ( requires 100 Diamonds, relic level 10):
Energy Vortex

World Traveled:
Your inherent bonus to skills increases by 5 points per level (+50 at level 10) for the following skills:
Arms Lore, Begging, Camping, Forensic Evaluation, Taste Identification, Cooking, Spirit Speak, Herding, Item Identification, Musicianship, Mining, Lumber Jacking.
Starting at level 5 you gain an inherent bonus of +5 (+25 at level 10)to the following skills:
Cartography, Healing, Wrestling, Blacksmithing, Bowcraft&Fletching, Tinkering, Fishing, Tailoring.
Inherent bonus is scaled lower and lower as 'real' skill is raised, to a max of 0 inherent bonus at Grand Master skill rank.

Every level of relic lowers NPC shop prices by 3% per level, and every NPC shop owner will buy from you at a 3% higher price; 30% at max level.

Every level of relic raises AR limit while stealthed by 2.5 (level 1 AR +2.5, level 2 AR +5, ect~ect, to a max of +30 wearable AR while stealthed).
At level 3 you can loot buried/sucken chests while stealthed.
At level 5 you run while stealthed.
At level 10 you can hide while standing next to a hostile NPC.

The sly, sneaking rogue looking for treasure.
The charming, jack-of-all-trades bard enchanting other with music.
The gypsy trading secrets with the spirits.

Just a fun idea I had for crafters, RP'ers, and dungeon divers. It would give a reason for scrolls and gems to exist, make stealth a bit better ( 11 AR stealth limit is not even enough for a full suit of vendor leather ), and make something similar to wands available for those that take this talisman.

This would be a talisman for rogues & bards.

Yoko Kurama

I still think they should add some type of healer talisman...makes it so you can't do damage or something till you remove it, but you can have bonus for bonus heals, cures, bandage heals, buffs, many people want to have a support type build. Would make pvp much more interesting.

A rogue type or anything really would be a plus. You can't go wrong with these talisman, and from not on MAKE THEM PVP TOO so a. people will wanna do em, and b. so if they somehow become unbalanced and affect pvp,,,people wont cry.

More meta-talismans in 2017!