Delete a character that owns a house

King Dingaling

i wasnt sure where to put this...

but...i have a character that owns a house that i want to delete. if i delete him, will house be non transferable, or will it just go to the another character on that account? i have 3 houses so i cant transfer it to another account...


if you delete your character it will go to the first co-owner of the house (i'm sure about this because my friend did it)

but I don't know if it will go to another character in your account...


Houses are bound to account. (that's why every character on the account automatically has the power to secure)So nothing will change if you delete that character unless it's the ONLY character on the account, then ownership will pass to the first co-owner.


Yes. They are considered owners of the house as well, even though they (in-game) may not technically be listed as "co-owners" (ie-you didn't add them in-game).