Customice house cost

So I recently placed a 10x7 plot for 140K gp or whatever it was. Anyway, I go to customize it, and right off the bat I'm being charged 50K gold without even placing anything on the plot. Several people I asked thought this was odd so here I am. Is this "working as intended"?


You don't get charged till you commit, it's 10k flat + 500 per wall/floor tile.

You sure about the 10k part? Because I just bought a plot 13x17 and when I went to customize it started off at 130k before I placed any tiles. then it added 500g to that for each tile I placed. So, I quit out since I didn't have that much gold. Does the gump lie to me?

Karl Sagan

I think it includes the cost of the plot while customizing to give you a 'total value'.

Do the design, hit commit, see what the final "your cost" is. You can still back out of committing if it is too high.

I will check I to it when I get home, but up until recently it was only 10k to customize. It may have changed though, anything is possible.
Like sagan said that is the plot "worth". When you click commit it will tell you the overall net cost of your customizations. There is a gump in between so you can check the commit cost and still not commit it. It will save your current customization when you close out so you can go back edit it again and or push placing certain stuff to save up some gps.